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Town of Bora

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The Town of Bora (also known as The Peaceful Town) is a urban town within the Land of Moneo, first seen in Power Master 1: A Strange Journey.

Power Master 1: A Strange Journey

Town of Bora
Bora Town.png
Area Information
Residents Guardian of Bora, Jennifer, Butch, Jill, Pam, Violet, Veronica, Kevin
Enemies None
Inn Rate 20 Sers
Greater Location Land of Moneo
Connections Land of Moneo (South), Bora Building (East), Mora (Well)

The Town of Bora is the second town the player is able to access in Power Master 1: A Strange Journey. It is home to the Warrior of Bora that the hero was told to look for, whose house is the northernmost house in town. The Guardian's house is to the left of the exit out of town, the Shop and the Inn are on either side of the Warrior's house, and Veronica's house is close to the entrance to Bora Building.

Shop's Wares

Item Sers
Health Vial 20
Medicine Vial 30
Iron Sword 10
Iron Axe 20
Iron Bow 5
Book of Water 30
Iron Shield 5
Silver Amulet 10
Casual Clothes 30
Casual Hat 10


One quest is acceptable in Bora and it is given by Veronica. She'll ask the player to find her husband, Kevin, who was last seen in Dora. Returning after talking to him will reward the player with a Gold Shield.


The following characters transform when the player is under the effects of Doppel's Dimension:


  • Big Shield - Chest in Bora's House
  • Mother's Love - Jill turned into a Chest when the player is under the effects of Doppel's Dimension
  • Adventurer's Helmet - Boy in the Inn turned into the helmet when the player is under the effects of Doppel's Dimension
  • Mega Health Vial - Closet in Veronica's room

Alex's Statement

Alexander Bodine is found in two places in Bora: above the Shop the main town and in the Shop itself.

Above the Shop, Alex turns into a placeholder Jennifer when the player is under the effects of Doppel's Dimension.

"Jennifer has had a... complicated development, at least in the concept stages. Every time I drew her, she just didn't look right. Even after I got a how to draw manga book, her face still came out a bit... manly. It wasn't until I drew her wallpaper for Power Master 1R]] that her face finally came out correctly. Now I got you thinking "Power Master 1R?" R stands for Remade or Redone and that game will be released some time in the future. Well, see you around!"

In the Shop, Alex turns into Pam when the player is under the effects of Doppel's Dimension.

"The characters Pam and Violet are named after my aunt and cousin respectively. They were added as a sort of condition for my aunt buying the full version of RPGMaker for me. (Thanks Aunt Pam!) They told me to include them where ever I wanted, but I thought they'd fit well as the Shop and Innkeepers. Piece of trivia: The Shopkeeper was originally a man! Every piece of concept art I made was just that: concepts. I was willing to change just about anything should I need to. Well, see you around!"

Power Master: A Strange Journey MV

This section is about a subject in an upcoming game.
Please do not add false or speculative information to the section and please site your sources.
Additionally, once the game is released, this section may need reorganizing.
Town of Bora
Area Information
Residents Guardian of Bora, Jennifer, Butch, Jill, Pam, Violet, Veronica, Kevin
Enemies None
Inn Rate 20 Sers
Greater Location Land of Moneo
Connections Land of Moneo (South), Bora Building (East), Mora (Well)

In Power Master: A Strange Journey MV, Bora and Bora Building are on the same map. There are also additional houses and an apartment complex, which Veronica is now living in.

Shop's wares

Item Sers
Health Vial 10
Energy Vial 10
Medicine Vial 20
Iron Sword 114
Iron Axe 120
Iron Bow 111
Leather Whip 112
Iron Lance 116
Iron Shield 110
Tunic 110
Guard Amulet 120
Book of Tackle 200
Book of Water 10
Book of Sleep 200
Fire Wand 105


Veronica's quest, Husband Hunting, does return. However, as of the final demo, the quest cannot be completed as the Town of Dora does not yet exist.

Jill has a quest of her own, called Master of Her Kitchen. It can be accepted after the player has defeated Hypnock. Jill asks the player if they can find a single Apple for her. Giving her an Apple will reward the player with Apple Pie and allow them to buy food from her during the day:

Item Sers
Apple 15
Bread 15
Berries 15
Mushroom 15
Fish 15
Soup 15
Sweet Bread 100
Apple Pie 100
Berry Pie 100

Butch has a quest, and there is information for it in the final demo, but it cannot be accessed as it requires defeating GrandHypnock, who is not implemented yet.


  • 108 Sers - 100 behind the Shop, 80 behind Bora Building.
  • Berries - Fridge in the warrior's kitchen. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the item.
  • Apple Pie - Reward for completing Jill's quest.
  • Stephan's Armor - Closet in the warrior's bedroom, after recruiting Stephan as the warrior. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor.
  • Jennifer's Gear - Closet in the warrior's bedroom, after recruiting Jennifer as the warrior. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor.
  • Hamilton's Armor - Closet in the warrior's bedroom, after recruiting Hamilton as the warrior. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor.
  • Helen's Armor - Closet in the warrior's bedroom, after recruiting Helen as the warrior. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor.
  • Jill's Clothes - Jill's closet in her bedroom, after completing her quest. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor.
  • Butch's Clothes - Butch's closet in his bedroom, after completing his quest. Can continue to be collected as long as the player does not have the armor. Currently unobtainable.
  • Oxygen Shield - Treasure chest in Bora's room.
  • Sports Jersey - Treasure chest in the Shop's storage room.
  • Bathrobe - Woman in the house west of the warrior's.
  • Book of Tackle - Bookcase in the living room of the house west of the warrior's.
  • Pajamas - Kid's closet in the house east of the warrior's.
  • Flyswatter - Girl's closet in the lower-left apartment.
  • Mega Health Vial - Veronica's closet.
  • Bomb - Trash can in the upper-left apartment.
  • Lunar Bow - Treasure chest in the upper-right apartment.
  • Agility Up - Treasure Chamber.
