A Mole is an enemy that first appears in Power Master 1: A Strange Journey. They make their home underground.
Power Master 1: A Strange Journey
Attack (Physical), Stone
Strong Against |
Weak Against
Moles are found in Uora Underground and the area surrounding Uora in the Land of Moneo. They follow their leader, Burrow, who told the Moles to dig into the town of Uora and take what they can find. They can attack with their claws or by using the Stone skill. They are not strong against or weak to anything.
Card Info
Name: Mole
Health: 200
Attack: 380
Defense: 150
One of many moles who have been burrowing into people's homes and stealing their possessions.
Power Master: A Strange Journey MV
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Attack (Physical), Pierce, Stone
Strong Against |
Earth, Air, Lightning
Weak Against
Fire, Water, Animal
Moles return in Power Master: A Strange Journey MV, being found within the Town of Uora, Uora Underground, and the area south of the Town of Uora in the Land of Moneo. They have burrowed into the Town of Uora, taking whatever they can grab, which included the Uora Gem. This time, Burrow is stated to be a creation of the Gem acting in self-defense, which means the Moles are acting either independently or under another influence.
Compared to their previous appearance, Moles are considerably weaker, having decreased Offense, Defense, and Luck. They now use Pierce in addition to their Stone skill, are strong against Lightning- and Air-based attacks, and taking no damage from Earth-based attacks. However, they are weak to Fire- and Water-based attacks, as well as those that deal additional damage to animals.
A variant, Dark Mole, is also introduced.