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- A Strange Journey
- A Strange Journey MV
- Adventurer's Helmet
- Agility
- Agility Down
- Agility Up
- Agility Up (item)
- Agility Up (status ailment)
- Air Magician
- Alexander Bodine
- Alice
- Alien
- Ana
- Andrabax
- Andrea
- Andrew
- Ant
- Aora
- Aora Avalanche
- Aora Igloo
- Apple
- Aqua Axe
- Aqua Bow
- Aqua Patch
- Aqua Shield
- Aqua Sword
- Aqua Whip
- Aqualung
- Arcfire Tome
- Archer
- Area Unknown
- Armor
- Armor Break
- Asleep
- Attack
- Attack (stat)
- Attack Down
- Attack Up
- Axeman
- Barrier
- Bat
- Battle Axe
- Battle Bow
- Battle Mode
- Battle Shield
- Battle Sword
- Bee
- Berserker's Roar
- Big Axe
- Big Bow
- Big Shield
- Big Sword
- Bird
- Birthdays
- Blacksmith
- Blade Whip
- Blazing Soul
- Blide
- Blind
- Blinded
- Blizzard Axe
- Blizzard Bow
- Blizzard II
- Blizzard Shield
- Blizzard Sword
- Blown
- Blue Mage
- Bomb
- Bombot
- Book of Blizzard
- Book of Burn
- Book of Fire
- Book of Fire Tornado
- Book of Flames
- Book of Glass
- Book of Hail
- Book of Haze
- Book of Hurricane
- Book of Ice
- Book of Ice Block
- Book of Icicle Tornado
- Book of Inferno
- Book of Laser
- Book of Light
- Book of Lightning
- Book of Melt
- Book of Meteor
- Book of Mist
- Book of Nightmare
- Book of Old Man
- Book of Pelt
- Book of Scorch
- Book of Shine
- Book of Shock
- Book of Sleep
- Book of Snow
- Book of Statue
- Book of Stone
- Book of Stone Tornado
- Book of Sun
- Book of Sun Stone
- Book of Thunder
- Book of Tornado
- Book of Tsunami
- Book of Vanish
- Book of Water
- Book of Wave
- Book of Wind
- Bora
- Bora Building
- Bottom of the Well
- Boulder Whip
- Breaker Sword
- Breath
- Brianna
- Bruze
- Burned
- Burrow
- Burst
- Butch
- Butler
- Card
- Cards
- Casual Clothes
- Casual Hat
- Casual Shirt
- Cement Axe
- Cement Bow
- Cement Shield
- Cement Sword
- Cement Whip
- Chakra
- Chapter 10: The Failing Flirter
- Chapter 11: Playing Exterminator
- Chapter 12: Ocean Heart
- Chapter 13: Poisonous Plains
- Chapter 14: Spelunking Adventure
- Chapter 15: Woman of the River
- Chapter 16: Six-Fingered Man in the Sky
- Chapter 17: Little Girl, Big Tree
- Chapter 18: The Light-Headed Digger
- Chapter 19: Flaming Force
- Chapter 1: Warrior of Bora
- Chapter 20: Rock in the Water
- Chapter 21: Orchestra Hit
- Chapter 22: Zone of Trials
- Chapter 23: Grandson of Exitilus
- Chapter 24: Fun and Games
- Chapter 2: Dungeons and Mazes
- Chapter 3: The Burning Iceberg
- Chapter 4: Desert Cousin
- Chapter 5: The Girl in the Mansion
- Chapter 6: Hypnock and the Time-Traveling Girl
- Chapter 7: Wandering Sword
- Chapter 8: Town of Trash
- Chapter 9: The Drained Lake
- Charles
- Chase
- Chester
- Child's Apple
- Clair
- Claire
- Clarissa
- Confuse
- Confused
- Confusion Song
- Cora
- Cora Castle
- Corpse
- Cousin
- Cover
- Critical Axe
- Critical Bow
- Critical Sword
- Crystal
- Crystal Dragon
- Cut Content of Power Master 1: A Strange Journey
- Cyan Mage
- Dakota
- Danger
- Dark Amulet
- Dark Axe
- Dark Bow
- Dark Cloud
- Dark Desire
- Dark Magician
- Dark Mole
- Dark Monster
- Dark Shield
- Dark Sword
- Dark Swordfish
- Dark Whip
- Darkness
- Daughter's Protection
- Death
- Defeated
- Defend
- Defense
- Defense Down
- Defense Up
- Defense Up (item)
- Defense Up (status ailment)
- Desert Cousin
- Diamond
- Diamond Dragon
- Digger
- Digger from Uora
- Digger of Uora
- Doppel
- Doppel's Dimension
- Dora
- Dora Desert
- Dora Pyramid
- Dotwood
- Double Attack
- Dragon
- Drain
- Eel
- Eko
- Eleel
- Elite Worker
- Emerald
- Emerald Dragon
- End Chapter: Saving the Future from the Past
- Energy
- Eora
- Eora Dungeon
- Eora Everlasting
- Epilogue: Onto the Legend...
- Essence of Defense
- Essence of Health
- Essence of Luck
- Exitilus
- Exitous
- Fade
- Fairy's Breath
- Fairy Spring
- Fashion Sense
- Fire
- Fire Axe
- Fire Bow
- Fire Breath
- Fire II
- Fire Magician
- Fire Shield
- Fire Sword
- Fire Whip
- Firebird
- Flame II
- Fora
- Fora Forest
- Fora Temple
- Frank
- Freezeflame
- Frost Axe
- Frost Bow
- Frost Patch
- Frost Shield
- Frost Sword
- Frost Whip
- Frozen
- Fuse
- Galactrila
- Gem
- Gems
- Generic Characters
- Geoffrey Bodine
- Girit
- Gobem
- Gold Amulet
- Gold Armor
- Gold Axe
- Gold Bars
- Gold Bow
- Gold Helmet
- Gold Knight
- Gold Shield
- Gold Sword
- Goldbot
- Golem
- Gora
- Gora Graveyard
- Gora Mansion
- GrandHypnock
- Great Axe
- Great Bow
- Great Shield
- Great Sword
- Green Mage
- Guard
- Guardian
- Guardian of Aora
- Guardian of Bora
- Guardian of Cora
- Guardian of Dora
- Guardian of Eora
- Guardian of Fora
- Guardian of Gora
- Guardian of Hora
- Guardian of Iora
- Guardian of Jora
- Guardian of Kora
- Guardian of Lora
- Guardian of Mora
- Guardian of Nora
- Guardian of Oora
- Guardian of Pora
- Guardian of Qora
- Guardian of Rora
- Guardian of Sora
- Guardian of Tora
- Guardian of Uora
- Guardian of Wora
- Guardian of Xora
- Guardian of Yora
- Guardian of Zora
- Guardians
- Hail of Arrows
- Hamilton
- Hammer Axe
- Hammer Bow
- Hammer Sword
- Hammy
- Hard Hat
- Heal
- Heal-All Health Vial
- Heal III
- Healing Axe
- Healing Bow
- Healing Shield
- Healing Sword
- Health
- Health Vial
- Heat Pack
- Heat Patch
- Helen
- Hero
- Hero's Tunic
- Hide-and-Seek
- Holly
- Holy Blessing
- Hora
- Hora Headquarters
- Hunter
- Husband Hunting