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Power Master: A Strange Journey MV/Changelog

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This is a changelog of updates for Power Master: A Strange Journey MV and its demos. This page should only be updated by a member of the game development team.


Initial demo release. Released May 22nd, 2017.


Released January 7th, 2019.


  • Icons have changed.
  • Music that ended too soon has been cropped.
  • Title has been changed, and demo version is added.
  • Cards have changed to look more like traditional trading cards.



  • Expressions have been removed, replaced with character portraits that change based on the armor they wear, which will be added in a later update.
  • Text and code specifically meant for the initial demo has been removed.
  • Bugs and typos (though there may be more that were missed).


Released March 20th, 2019 for Patreon supporters, released March 22nd, 2020 for everyone else.


  • Fixed error where the old woman's portrait in the Town of Fora's Shop does not appear, which caused the game to crash.
  • Fixed error when trying to recruit or drop the Digger from Uora if they aren't Stephan.
  • Fixed error where you can walk under Aora Avalanche.
  • Fixed out of bounds errors in Uora Underground.
  • Underwater houses in Oora now disable menu access only if the player doesn't have the Aqua Patch.
  • Reduced the number of Mega Health Vials you find in a hole before Burrow from five to one, due to a copy-paste error.
  • Various grammar fixes.
  • Adjusted the color of the trees so they stand out more.



  • Placeholders.


Released April 3, 2024.


  • Various coding fixes. If you guys want the game to be broken, break it yourself.
  • Andrew's and Andrea's parents now look related to them. Might improve later, though. Placeholder parents.
  • Made Dark Swordfish come out of hiding.
  • Adjustment to choice prompts. They now show up in the center of the screen so they don't hide people. This change is applied to conversations between characters. In dialogue where no character shows up, like when checking a fridge or opening a door, the prompt location is not changed.
    • Similar reasoning for moving some name boxes that were too much of a spotlight hog.
  • Varius teks chayngs and tipo fixes becauhs eye speek english goodly
  • The Pam in the Town of Fora was accidentally using the NPC Man's sprite during a certain conversation. This was due to me copying the wrong box. She's back to normal now.
  • The back door of the Shop in Fora didn't stay open properly after unlocking it. It now stays open properly after unlocking it.


  • The Town of Lora, Lora Lake, and Lora Grotto have all been implemented.
  • Marina can now be recruited if the player has 9 or less Gems.
  • Andrew (if Stephan or Helen) or Andrea (if Jennifer or Hamilton) can join before the fight with Silver Knight, which will change the order of events a little. Both can be recruited together after the boss fight.
  • Added new scenario to the Town of Bora if the player has 10 or more Gems before defeating Hypnock (which isn't possible yet, but will be!).
  • Lynmandi gets bored and leaves if the player has 10 or more Gems.
  • Books now tell stories and use Albums to tell information on certain characters. You can now pry into their personal lives.
  • Added stat reducing skills to go along with the stat increasing ones. Books that taught the stat boost spells now also teach the stat drop spells. They also now cost twice as much. Yay economy!
  • Various new items, equipment, and enemies are added. People like new things that sometimes prove worthless later in RPGs, right?
  • Characters can now emote. Mom said Helen looked too happy, so I fixed that.
  • Expanded Silver Knight's dialogue to allow avoidance of battle for people who don't want experience points and rewards. He also has a new skill.
  • Implemented game difficulties: Easy Mode, Normal Mode, and Hard Mode. Easy Mode lets you avoid battles and Hard Mode gives you new dungeons and a death wish.
  • Implemented text options: Text Mode and Silent Mode. Silent Mode makes people ignore you. Combine Easy Mode and Silent Mode for "Speedrun Mode".
  • Find the 8 Red Sers.
  • A lot of things have been added that you can't see yet.


  • Changed portrait art style due to getting a drawing pad... a while ago.
  • Changed character battler graphics.
  • Changed Madilynn's name to Lynmandi for reasons.
  • Various enemy stat adjustments have been made so they don't kill you too quickly.
  • Adjusted Dakota's The Lady's Search quest for lore reasons.
  • Changed Exitilus's name to Exitous for lore (and potential copyright infringement) reasons.


  • Removed armor-specific portraits to account for emotions. I know there are scripts that allow both, but I couldn't find anything and help didn't go anywhere, so wearing something new and looking happy in it is currently not allowed.
  • The Day-Night cycle has been removed.

Please let me know if things that were supposed to be fixed ended up not getting fixed.

Hard Mode Changes